Avamar 6.1, Redirect restore is disabled by default for non-administrator users and needs to be enabled from the avamar server.
1- Login to avamar as root
2- Run the commands in red without #
3- # cd /usr/local/avamar/var/mc/server_data/prefs/
4- # cp mcserver.xml mcserver.xml_orig
5- Open the file mcserver.xml, you can use vi
6- Search for the entries below
entry key="admin_can_direct_restores" value="false"
entry key="restore_admin_can_direct_restores" value="false"
7- Change both entries to true
entry key="admin_can_direct_restores" value="true"
entry key="restore_admin_can_direct_restores" value="true"
8- Save the file
9- Need to restart the mcs (All backup and restore activities will be cleared)
10- # su - admin
11- # ssh-agent bash
12- # ssh-add .ssh/dpnid
13- # dpnctl stop mcs
14- # dpnctl start mcs
15- # dpnctl start