Sunday, May 31, 2009

Restoring a nodes data.


To restore a d:/mydir , as it was on july 4th , 2001

>>>> res d:/mydir/* -pitdate=07/05/2001 -pittime=07:00:00 -subdir=yes

Find tapes needed to restore a node
>>>>select distinct node_name,volume_name,stgpool_name
from volumeusage where node_name='xxxxx'

Restore a file with spaces in the name , Enclose the filepath in quotes.
>>>>>tsm> restore "\\server name\c$\\PROGRAM FILES\COMMON FILES\file name.ext"

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Alternate server Restores (Restoring node A data on other node B).

First way:

changing the dsm.opt file. Say you want to restore client A's filespaces to client B, Just go into the dsm.opt of clientB, and change the NODENAME parameter from ClientB to ClientA. You can then kick off a normal restore.

Second way:

grant access :
safe way is to grant access. Issue this command from the DSM prompt in ServerA
SET Access Backup * Server_B

the recovery command is

res -fromnode=serverA serverA/filename serverB/filename